Mattermost Stream Deck plugin

Mattermost In my previous article (In French only), I discussed how to create a C# plugin for Stream Deck. Here I present a plugin for Stream Deck for Mattermost developed in C# and .Net 6.

The project is separated in two parts:

  1. A client for Mattermost: Allows connection to Mattermost server and provides objects for interaction with it.
  2. A Stream Deck plugin: Actions for Stream Deck, deployed in the Elgato store.

Currently, the plugin only contains one action:

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Création d'un plugin Stream Deck

Here’s a tutorial for creating a plugin for Elgato Stream Deck.

Required Materials

  • Elgato Stream Deck: No matter which version you use, they all use the same software.

Creating the Plugin for the Stream Deck

To assist us with our Stream Deck plugin, we use tools developed by BarRaider that allow us to quickly start our plugin and also deploy it locally on our Stream Deck. I freely follow the BarRaider documentation as well as Elgato’s, but I will still try to give you a bit more information.

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