In my previous article (In French only), I discussed how to create a C# plugin for Stream Deck. Here I present a plugin for Stream Deck for Mattermost developed in C# and .Net 6.
The project is separated in two parts:
- A client for Mattermost: Allows connection to Mattermost server and provides objects for interaction with it.
- A Stream Deck plugin: Actions for Stream Deck, deployed in the Elgato store.
Currently, the plugin only contains one action:
Toggle status action
This plugin action will display the current Mattermost status and can toggle between the online status and the selected status when the action button is pressed.
Required settings
The following configuration is required to successfully connect to your Mattermost server API
- Enter the domain of your Mattermost server (without http:// or https:// ) in the Mattermost Api Url field
- Enter your Mattermost server username
- Enter your Mattermost server password
Optionnal settings
- Refresh rate: Select the refresh rate
- This setting would dictate the API polling interval to fetch the status
- Toggle between status?: Check if you want to toggle the status on button press.
- If enable, this would toggle between the online status and the selected status.
- If disable, this would refresh the button state with your latest status
- Toggle status between online and : Select the alternate status that will cycle with the online status.
- Do not disturb duration: when the Do not Disturb status is selected, this selection will dictate how long the Do not Disturb status should last before going back to online.
If the “Toggle between status?” setting is disabled
When the “Toggle between status?” setting is disabled, the button will display the current status of your Mattermost server. When the button is pressed, the status will be refreshed.
If the “Toggle between status?” setting is enabled
When the “Toggle between status?” setting is enabled, the button will display the current status of your Mattermost server. When the button is pressed, the status will be toggled between online and the selected status in the settings.
Online : The “Online” indiquate that the user is available on Mattermost.
Away: The user is away from the computer.
Dnd : The user is busy and does not want to be disturbed and won’t receive notifications from Mattermost
Offline : The user is offline.
Unkwown : Unable to determine the status of the user, the connection to the server is probably down or the settings are incorrect.